Telegram, the popular messaging app, has rolled out a new update that includes a host of new features for its media editor. The update, which was announced in a blog post on Telegram’s website, includes a blur tool that lets users block out certain areas of a photo or video. This can be used to hide sensitive information or to blur out the background, such as the faces of people who appear in the background of a photo.
In addition to the blur tool, the new version also allows users to change the size, font, and background of text when adding it to photos or videos. This feature is similar to those found on other social media platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat. Telegram’s revamped drawing tools also “dynamically change width” depending on how fast a user is drawing and automatically smooth out lines.
Other new features included are the ability to quickly add shapes such as circles, rectangles, and squares to creations, and a “spoilers” filter that allows users to hide the content of an image. To reveal the image, the recipient must touch the image. This feature is similar to the one found on Twitter and can be useful for avoiding unwanted surprises.
Also introduces new storage options, including the automatic deletion of cached data, and new profile picture settings. Users can now choose avatars for individual recipients, which they may not necessarily see, and can limit the visibility of their own profile pictures. The update also includes new emojis and progress animations.